
          BOLLETTINO '900 - Notizie / D, agosto 2001             Successivo


- The Humanities Computing Curriculum /
The Computing Curriculum in the Arts and Humanities
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, 9-10 novembre 2001


The Humanities Computing Curriculum /
The Computing Curriculum in the Arts and Humanities
November 9-10, 2001
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

< http://web.mala.bc.ca/siemensr/HCCurriculum/ >

Conference Host:
Arts and Humanities, Malaspina University-College

Conference Sponsors:
Arts and Humanities, MFA PD Ctte, Malaspina Research Fund,
Malaspina U-C, Humanities Computing and Media Centre, U Victoria
Canadian Institute for Research Computing in the Arts, MA Program
in Humanities Computing, U Alberta Humanities Computing Centre,
School of the Arts, Humanities, McMaster U Consortium for
Computers in the Humanities / Consortium pour ordinateurs en
sciences humaines

Conference Description
For the purpose of our teaching, is there an accepted set of
tools and techniques, and a unique and related collection of
theories having a commonly-understood application, that are
associated with the (inter)discipline of humanities computing?
In other words, is there a humanities computing curriculum,
a curriculum that appropriately treats the role of the computer,
today, in the context of the centuries-old tradition of the
arts and humanities?
What must be considered when designing and implementing courses
that bring the computer to the arts and humanities, courses
in humanities computing? Can such courses discover and survey
the influence of computing technology, broadly construed, in
the arts? Must courses in humanities computing reflect the
tradition of the computing humanist? Should they embrace all
current applications of computing in the humanities? Can
textual description and markup, cybercultural studies, text
analysis, and (multi)media theory and practice, &c., co-exist?
What are others in the field bringing to their classrooms and
to their programs that have humanities computing components?
Such are the questions that many face as they and their
institutions formulate, for the first time, new academic
courses and programs that seek to apply computing to
established arts and humanities curricula.
Led by expert practitioners in the field of humanities
computing, through a number of papers, sessions, poster
presentations, and seminars this conference will address the
broad range of issues involved in integrating computing practice
in the teaching of the arts and humanities -- from developing a
single course in a particular discipline to the development
of an entire curriculum.

Invited Speakers
Invited speakers include Willard McCarty (King's College, London),
John Unsworth (U Virginia), Susan Hockey (University College,
London), and Nancy Ide (Vassar College).

Conference Schedule
The conference's short program, still tentative, is available here:

Registration, Accommodation, and Travel
Conference registration will begin September 5 2001, and will be
facilitated via this website.
A limited number of rooms are available at discounted rates at
the conference hotel, the Coast Bastion; while available, these
may be booked as part of conference registration.
Nanaimo Travel (250-754-1331 or travel@nanaimo.ark.com) is
handling travel arrangements for the conference, for those
who wish. Please ask for Michelle.

Malaspina University-College is located in Nanaimo, British
Columbia, on the beautiful east coast of Canada's Vancouver Island.
It is easily accessible via direct air and sea-ferry service from
Vancouver, as well as by connections from Victoria and Seattle.

Conference Advisory Board:

* Ray Siemens (Conference Chair)
English, Malaspina University-College,
Nanaimo, BC, Canada. V9R 5S5.
E-mail: siemensr@mala.bc.ca
Phone: (250) 753-3245, x2046.
Fax: (250) 741-2667.

* Peter Liddell, Director,
Humanities Computing and Media Centre, U Victoria

* Terry Butler, Director,
Arts Technologies for Learning Centre, U Alberta

* Geoffrey Rockwell, Director,
Humanities Computing Centre, McMaster U


Please forward a copy of this Newsletter to colleagues
who might be interested in reading it. If you receive
a forwarded copy, and would like to be placed on the
Bollettino's distribution list for future information,
please contact us:

staff: boll900@iperbole.bologna.it
editor: pellizzi@alma.unibo.it
subscribe: boll900@philo.unibo.it
unsubscribe: boll900@philo.unibo.it


© Bollettino '900 - versione e-mail
Electronic Newsletter of '900 Italian Literature
Notizie / A, giugno 2001. Anno VII, 3.

Direttore: Federico Pellizzi; Redazione: Michela Aveta,
Eleonora Conti, Marica Fantuzzi, Marco Giovanardi,
Hilenja Lari, Stefania Filippi, Anna Frabetti,
Ada Reggio, Cecilia Serradimigni.

Dipartimento di Italianistica
dell'Universita' di Bologna,
Via Zamboni 32, 40126 Bologna, Italy,
Fax +39 051 2098555; tel. +39 051 2098595/334294.
Reg. Trib. di Bologna n. 6436 del 19 aprile 1995.
ISSN 1124-1578

