BOLLETTINO '900 - Notizie / G, marzo 1998
Conference to be held November 6-8, 1998 University of Toronto CALL FOR PAPERS Modern art purports the idea that there is no general agreement about what is true, certain, or important in life. Many Italian novelists, dramatists and cinematographers of this century have addressed/challenged this modern uncertainty by overtly foregrounding as the theme of their works an imaginative exile into alternative worlds and fictional constructs. What are the pragmatic implications of these self-conscious strategies? What do they tell us about fiction and life and about the role of art within the context of the Modern and Postmodern? Moreover, what do they tell us about the ways we interact with each other and about the nature of our interactions with other phenomena in the world of actual experience? What do they disclose about ourselves as co-creators of our world? Are they underscoring aesthetic creation as a legitimate world in itself which offers the stability and the certainty we are in search of? Can it be assumed that a self-conscious exile into fictional constructs is an artist's way of underscoring how we all aspire to the aesthetic alternatives created by our imagination?
Topics can include, but are not limited to:
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