BOLLETTINO '900 - Notizie / A, luglio 1997
Instituto de Investigaciones Filologicas / U.N.A.M.
Ciudad de Mexico, 20 al 24 de abril 1988
El Instituto de Investigaciones Filologicas de la UNAM, a
traves del Proyecto DGAPA (IN401195) invita a los
especialistas a participar en el Primer Congreso
Internacional de Retorica que se efectuara en Mexico del 20
al 24 de abril de 1998 en la sede del Instituto y en la de
la Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, ambas en Ciudad
Universitaria. El tema sera: el horizonte interdisciplinario
de la retorica desde la antiguedad hasta fines del siglo XX.
El enfoque puede consistir en la relacion que han guardado y
guardan entre si la retorica y otras disciplinas como
linguistica, filosofia, literatura, politica,
jurisprudencia, musica, ciencia, pintura, comunicacion, etc.
Para proponer ponencias, cuya duracion sera de 20 minutos
debera enviarsenos el titulo de la ponencia con un breve
resumen del tema (maximo de 20 lineas) en cualquiera de las
lenguas oficiales de la Society for the Story of the
Rhetoric (espaniol, italiano, frances, ingles, aleman),
por correo o por fax, a la siguiente direccion:
Instituto de Seminario de Poetica / Investigaciones
Filologicas / Circuito Mario de la Cueva s/n
/ Ciudad de la Investigacion en Humanidades. Ciudad
Universitaria, UNAM / 04510, Mexico, D.F. FAX.: 665-78-74 /
e-MAIL Helena Beristain :
<hberista@mailer.main.conacyt.mx> o
bien a Gerardo Ramirez Vidal: <grvidal@servidor.unam.mx>
No cobramos nada por la inscripcion. Si usted decide asistir
le rogamos enviar la siguiente ficha de inscripcion:
Telefono, fax, e-mail----------------------------------------
Beristain es la Responsable, Ramirez Vidal es el
Corresponsable, los fundadores y asesores son: Elisabeth
Benier Jakobs, Mauricio Beuchot Puente, Mariateresa Galaz,
Ana Goutman Bender, Iosu Landa Goyogana, Luisa A. Puig LLano,
Jose Quinones Melgoza, Arturo Ramirez Trejo, Paola
Vianello Tessarotto, Patricia Villasenyor. Asesor editorial: Sergio
Reyes Coria. Asesores externos: Jorge Alcazar, Ana Bungaard,
Aurelio Gonzalez, Antonio Lopez Eire, Monica Mansour, James J. Murphy, Pino
Paioni, Livio ossetti, Teun A. Van Dijk., Jean Marie Klinkenberg.
Algunas de las conferencias Magistrales seran dictadas por
Jean Marie Klinkenberg (del Grupo M), Antonio Lopez Eire (de
la Universidad de Salamanca), Livio Rossetti (de la
Universidad de Perugia), Oswald Ducrot (de la Escuela de
Altos Estudios de Paris). Otros estan por ser confirmados.
Actualizaremos esta informacion.
The Sixth International Conference on Narrative
October 10 - 12, 1997
Department of Communication / School of Journalism and
Telecommunications University of Kentucky
The University of Kentucky Department of Communication and the School
of Journalism and Telecommunications invite your submissions to the
Sixth International Conference on Narrative, to be held Friday,
October 10, to Sunday, October 12, 1997, in Lexington, Kentucky.
The theme of the 1997 conference, TALKING - WRITING -
BROADCASTING, suggests topics addressing the diverse ways in which
narrative is used in general interpersonal, organizational, and
mediated contexts. In addition to the broad range of contributions
always represented at the conference, this year's special program
track focuses on print and broadcast media narrative: news, features,
op/ed, talk show, sitcom, sports, drama, animation, human interest,
and various other information and entertainment formats.
As in previous years, we would like to bring together scholars
from a wide range of disciplines, including journalism, media studies,
cultural and critical studies, education, psychology, literatures and
languages, communication, linguistics, anthropology, sociology,
folklore, social work, medicine, art history, history, women's studies
and all others interested in narrative. Theoretical and methodological
contributions of all persuasions are as welcome as studies of
narrative in different contexts. The conference language is English;
data sessions should be conducted in the most appropriate language.
The International Conference on Narrative is a highly
productive working event. Four presentation formats are offered;
please indicate your choice and any technological requirements on the
title page of your submission.
(1) Research papers will be scheduled for panel sessions;
panels are most suitable for theoretical or programmatic
topics. Presentations will be limited to 20 minutes. Please mark your
submission 'Panel.'
(2) Posters will be set up and remain on display for the
duration of the conference. This format allows the presentation of
larger amounts of research data and provides a more individual setting
for discussion without time constraints. Please mark your submission
(3) Participants who travel with major data sets they intend
to work on in a small-group setting may wish to reserve the special
meeting room available for this purpose for up to two hours. The
number of data sessions is limited and early submission of your
proposal is suggested. Please mark your submission 'Data session.'
(4) Following the great success of this format at last year's
conference, three round-table discussions will focus respectively on
theoretical, methodological, and ethical issues described by the
conference theme. Up to six programmatic statements of no more than
five minutes will be followed by a round-table discussion with
audience participation. Please mark your submission accordingly.
Information on special events, keynote lectures, etc. will be
sent to you after receipt of your submission. Up-to-date conference
information, as well as the 1996 program, is also available at the
conference web site, www.uky.edu/~jknuf/narrative-_conference.
Submissions are restricted to extended abstracts not exceeding 1000
words; they must be accompanied by a briefer abstract of no more than
50 words, which will be included in the program. Please also provide
your e-mail address, which will be listed in the program to facilitate
preconference discussion between panel members. Please send two
hardcopies or one electronic copy of your submission to the conference
Joachim Knuf, Conference Chair
Department of Communication
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0042
(606) 257-4102
E-mail: jknuf@pop.uky.edu
The postmarked deadline for submissions is May 15,
1997. Please include a stamped, self-addressed postcard for
notification that your submission has been received. Confirmation
letters, a provisional program, and registration and hotel information
will be sent to participants around June 1; international participants
and those who have e-mailed their submissions will be notified also by
e-mail. Mail the message "sub narrate firstname lastname" to
listserv@lsv.uky.edu to receive conference mailings.
Joachim Knuf
Associate Professor
Department of Communication
University of Kentucky (606) 257-4102 (O)
231 Grehan Building (606) 257-4103 (F)
Lexington, KY 40506-0042 USA jknuf@pop.uky.edu
XVth Congress of the ICLA
International Comparative Literature Association
"Literature as Cultural Memory"
Leiden, 6-22 August 1997
The XVth Congress of the International Comparative
Literature Association (ICLA) will be held from
Saturday August 16 through Friday August 22, 1997
at Leiden University, in the Netherlands. The theme
of the congress is Literature as Cultural Memory.
The main sections of the congress:
Section 1: Nation Building
Section 2: Colonizer and Colonized
Section 3: The Conscience of Humankind
Section 4: Gendered Memories
Section 5: Genres as Repositories of Cultural Memory
Section 6: Methods for the Study of Literature as
Cultural Memory
Section 7: Reconstructing Cultural Memory:
Translations, Script, Literacy
Section 8: Intercultural Studies.
The Congress will consist of plenary sessions, parallel
sessions for various forms of shorter presentations,
round tables, and two general assemblies (on the first
and last day).
For general inquiries concerning the congress, please
contact the general organizer of the congress: Theo
D'Haen, English Department, Leiden University,
Box 9515, NL-2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands,
tel. 31-71-5272144, fax. 31-71-5272615,
e-mail: Dhaen@Rullet.LeidenUniv.nl.
Announcing WRESTLING WITH PROTEUS: THE METAMORPHOSIS OF THE TEXT, THE TEXTUALITY OF CRITICISM: The 16th Triannual A.I.S.L.L.I. Conference at the Department of Italian, The University of California at Los Angeles, October 6-9, 1997
The 16th conference of the AISLLI (Associazione Internazionale per lo
Studio della Lingua e della Letteratura Italiane)--held at UCLA, 6-9
October, 1997--will attempt to show how far Italian literary criticism has
come from its origins in traditional philology. The "texuality of
criticism," in the conference's title, aims to open a debate between the
idea that critical methods are relatively autonomous vis a vis texts (much
criticism of the past thirty years) and the idea that all methods should be
strictly dictated by the text itself (traditional philology). The phrase
"the metamorphosis of the text" transfers the problem of criticism to the
realm of art, drawing attention to the "philological" changes that texts
have undergone through the ages--changes, for example, from one language or
genre to another (as with the Italian story of Romeo and Juliet,
transformed into an Elizabethan play and then into music and film), from
literature to painting, science, television, philosophy, and history, not
to mention vice versa.
Accordingly, the four day program is subdivided into seven three-hour
sections, titled as follows and accompanied by possible topics:
LITERATURE, CINEMA AND THEATER: -- the difference between the respective
media / borrowings from one to the other / the historical evolution of the
novel into film / the nature of the screenplay / differing markets / the
relation between image and word / writers as directors; directors as
LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY: -- the original commonality of the
three (in ancient Greece, the Renaissance) / the epistemologies of each,
increasing seen as related (fact as value, controlled test as imaginative
hypothesis, etc.) / the scientist as writer, the writer as scientist
(Galileo, for example) / science fiction / the philosophical truths of
literature / the writing of philosophy
LITERATURE, ART AND MUSIC: -- the literary inspirations of visual art (the
Gospels, epic heroes, mural narratives, etc.) / painting as writing,
writing as painting / the operatic libretto / visual, audial, and literary
stories / the lyrics of music / music as a language of feeling / the
function of the cinematic soundtrack
LITERATURE AND HISTORY: -- history as narrative fiction / the methods of
each: how similar, how different / the literary uses of history
(nationalistic tales, the writer as cultural critic, etc.) / the
hermeneutics of reading literature and of reading history / literature as
"representation" of sociopolitics
LITERATURE AND LITERATURE: -- transformations from one genre to another
(story to play, novel to screenplay, etc.) / from one language to another
(Italian to English: Chaucer, Milton, Eliot) / what one genre can do that
another cannot / literary influence and literary history / methods of
comparative literature
LITERATURE AND CRITICAL THEORY: -- developments in the last hundred years
/ necessary critical skills / the position of literature in the university
curriculum / reading as decoding / semiotics, deconstruction, and political
criticism / constructions of meaning
LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE: -- official, demotic, and literary idioms /
writing in dialect / Italophone writers / colonialist and immigrant
literature / forgings of style / reciprocal influences / uses of
Openings still exist for twenty or thirty papers (out of 210) up through
JUNE 30, 1997. Please send the title of your talk (not to exceed fifteen
minutes!), name, professional affiliation, tel. and fax. no. to Professor
Massimo Ciavolella, at "italian.studies@utoronto.ca"
Registration fee of U.S. $100, payable by check to "UC Regents," must be
sent to Professor Thomas Harrison, Dept. of Italian, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
90024-1535. Participants must be members of AISLLI, but can enroll in
person during the conference. The fee for students is $50, for non AISLLI
members $300. The registration fee includes four lunches and sundry
complimentary events.
Travel from most parts of the world as well as hotel accomodations are
being handled by TINO'S INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL (e-mail " cogesi@worldnet.att.net";
fax: USA, 213-466-6769). Please contact them as soon as you have sent
your registration information to Prof. Ciavolella.
After July 26th, I too can help facilitate your Los Angeles visit
© Bollettino '900 - versione e-mail
Electronic Newsletter of '900 Italian Literature
NOTIZIE / A, luglio 1997. Anno III, 4.
Redazione: Vincenzo Bagnoli, Daniela Baroncini, Stefano Colangelo,
Eleonora Conti, Stefania Filippi, Anna Frabetti, Federico Pellizzi.
Dipartimento di Italianistica
dell'Universita' di Bologna,
Via Zamboni 32, 40126 Bologna, Italy,
Fax +39 051 2098555; tel. +39 051 2098595/334294.
Reg. Trib. di Bologna n. 6436 del 19 aprile 1995.
ISSN 1124-1578