BOLLETTINO '900 - Notizie / D, ottobre 2002![]()
- Universite catholique de Louvain
"Fourth Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature"
Louvain-la-Neuve, 27-29 March 2003.
CFP: 15 nov. 2002
- University of Edinburgh
"Society for Italian Studies Postgraduate Colloquium"
Edinburgh, 24 May 2003.
CFP: 21 mar. 2003-------------------------------------
Universite catholique de Louvain
"Fourth Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature"
Louvain-la-Neuve, 27-29 March 2003.
CFP: 15 nov. 2002As a follow-up to studies presented at three previous
symposia held in Zurich (1997), Amsterdam (1999) and Jena
(2001) this international and interdisciplinary symposium
will present a fourth series of detailed case studies.
The scholarly aim of the conference is to provide evidence
for the pervasive presence of iconicity (i.e. form miming
meaning, form miming form) in language and literature.
Focussing on the Germanic and Romance languages, papers
are accepted, which study iconically used forms at any
level of language (sound, rhythm, typography, vocabulary,
syntax), in narrative and poetic form, and in any variety
of discourse (literary texts, historical texts, political
texts, pidgins and creoles, advertising, children's language,
sign language, language and music, literature and music, etc.).
The type of iconicity may range from the more "imagic"
or concrete to the more abstract or "diagrammatic".This symposium will open up its range of interest to music,
understood as a language in its own right or as an element
of complex messages (i.e. opera, songs, advertising, etc.).Please check <http://iconicity.fltr.ucl.ac.be>
for further information and electronic registration.The deadline for submission of abstracts is
November 15, 2002.
An abstract should not exceed 300-500 words.
Please, indicate your academic affiliation.Keynote speakers are:
Dan Slobin
Cognitive Science, University of California, Berkeley (USA)
Eero Tarasti
Musicology, Semiotics, University of Imatra, Helsinki (Finland)
Jean-Marie Klinkenberg
Rhetorics, Groupe µ, Universite de Liege (Belgium)General Information:
General information is already available on the Internet.
After selection of the abstracts, early in December, another
circular letter with new information (payment of fees,
accommodation, etc.) will be sent round.Prof. Dr. Costantino Maeder, Universite catholique de Louvain,
Pl. B. Pascal 1
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Phone: +32 10 47 49 53
fax: +32 10 47 25 79
e-mail: <maeder@rom.ucl.ac.be>Prof. Dr. Olga Fischer, Universiteit van Amsterdam,
Spuistraat 210, 1012VT
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 5253825
fax: +31 20 5253052
e-mail: <olga.fischer@hum.uva.nl>Prof. Dr. Max Nanny, Universitat Zurich
Phone: +41 1 3638850
fax: +41 1 6344908
e-mail: <naenny@es.unizh.ch>-------------------------------------
Universita' di Edimburgo
"The Society for Italian Study Postgraduate Colloquium"
Edimburgo, 24 Maggio 2003.Termine per l'invio degli abstract: 21 Marzo 2003
L'annuale Postgraduate Colloquium patrocinato dalla
Society for Italian Studies (Gran Bretagna) si terra' il
giorno Sabato 24 Maggio 2003 presso l'Universita' di
Edimburgo. Tale giornata di lavori offre a tutti i
dottorandi in Studi Italiani l'opportunita' di presentare
il proprio lavoro (in corso o gia' in fase di
ultimazione) ai colleghi.Si invitano proposte di intervento su qualsiasi aspetto
inerente agli Studi Italiani (letteratura, linguistica,
storia, filosofia, cinema, teatro, ecc.).
Le presentazioni potranno avvenire in lingua italiana o
inglese e non dovranno estendersi oltre i 20 minuti.
Abstract di ca.300 parole, insieme ad una breve biografia
indicante il vostro curriculum accademico ed interessi
di ricerca, dovranno essere inviati elettronicamente
entro Venerdi' 21 Marzo 2003 a:Luisa Carrer <L.Carrer@ed.ac.uk>.
Eventuali copie cartacee degli abstract vengano
inviate a:Luisa Carrer
Department of Italian, University of Edinburgh
David Hume Tower
Edinburgh EH8 9JX, U.K.Per ulteriori informazioni:
University of Edinburgh
"Society for Italian Studies Postgraduate Colloquium"
Edinburgh, 24 May 2003.Call for Papers
Deadline: 21 March 2003The annual Society for Italian Studies Postgraduate
Colloquium will be held on 24 May 2003 at the University
of Edinburgh. This is a one-day event open to all
postgraduate students in Italian Studies, giving you an
opportunity to present work in progress to your peers.Proposals for papers on any aspect of Italian Studies
are invited from postgraduates. Papers can be in Italian
or English and should last for approximately twenty minutes.
Abstracts of c.300 words, together with a short biography
indicating your academic background and research interests,
should be emailed by Friday 21 March 2003 to:Luisa Carrer: <L.Carrer@ed.ac.uk>.
Paper copies should be sent to:
Luisa Carrer
Department of Italian, University of Edinburgh
David Hume Tower
Edinburgh EH8 9JX, U.K.Further information at:
Please forward a copy of this Newsletter to colleagues
who might be interested in reading it. If you receive
a forwarded copy, and would like to be placed on the
Bollettino's distribution list for future information,
please contact us:staff: boll900@iperbole.bologna.it
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© Bollettino '900 - versione e-mail
Electronic Newsletter of '900 Italian Literature
Notizie / D, ottobre 2002. Anno VIII, 5.Direttore: Federico Pellizzi
Redazione: Michela Aveta, Eleonora Conti, Stefania
Filippi, Anna Frabetti, Valentina Gabusi, Saverio Voci.Dipartimento di Italianistica
dell'Universita' di Bologna,
Via Zamboni 32, 40126 Bologna, Italy,
Fax +39 051 2098555; tel. +39 051 2098595/334294.
Reg. Trib. di Bologna n. 6436 del 19 aprile 1995.
ISSN 1124-1578http://www.unibo.it/boll900/