
          BOLLETTINO '900 - Notizie / C, ottobre 2000             Successivo


- "Computers, Literature And Philology (Clip 2000)"
An International Seminar
16-17 October 2000


The University of Alicante and the Instituto Cervantes are
organising and sponsoring the 3rd Seminar "Computers, Literature
and Philology (CLiP 2000)".
This seminar aims to create an authoritative but informal forum
for discussing state of the art researches, methodologies and
projects in the field of literary computing.
This year the seminar will take place at the University of
Alicante on 16-17 October. The focus of this edition would be
the implementation and use of digital resources for teaching
and research.


The seminar will be conducted in English, Spanish and Italian.
There will be about 10 presentations and 2 panel sessions.
Invited speakers include:
Lou Burnard, (Humanities Computing Unit, University of Oxford),
Elisabeth Burr (Gerhard-Mercator-Universitaet Duisburg/
Universitaet Bremen, Germany) , Domenico Fiormonte (University
of Edinburgh), Giuseppe Gigliozzi (CRILet, DSSL, Universita' di
Roma "La Sapienza"), Francisco Marcos Marin (Instituto Cervantes),
Massimo Moneglia (Universita' di Firenze), Antonio Moreno Sandoval
(Universidad Autonoma de Madrid), Federico Pellizzi (Universita'
di Bologna, Iulm Milano, Bollettino '900), Sarah Porter
(Humanities Computing Development Team, University of Oxford),
Allen Renear (Scholarly Technology Group, Brown University, USA),
Antonio Zampolli (Institute of Computational Linguistics,
CNR-Universita' di Pisa).



9.00 - 9.30
Registration and Coffee
9.30 - 9.45
Welcome / Bienvenida
10.00 - 10.30
Allen Renear, Opening Remarks
10.30 - 11.00
Lou Burnard, *From two cultures to digital culture: the emergence
of the digital demotic*
11.00 - 11.45
Giuseppe Gigliozzi y Domenico Fiormonte, *Insegnare la
letteratura italiana con le nuove tecnologie*
11.45 - 12.30
Sarah Porter, *Librarian, lecturer, learner: Developing IT in
teaching and research at the University of Oxford*
12.30 - 13.15
Federico Pellizzi, *The Hermeneutics of Space: Thinking and
Teaching Hypertexts*
Lunch /Comida
15.30 - 16.15
Francisco Marcos Marin, Presentacion del catalogo de la
coleccion Foulche'-Delbosc
16.15 - 17.00
Javier Fresnillo, Biblioteca Virtual "Miguel de Cervantes"
17.00 - 17.30


9.00 - 9.45
Carlota Nicolas, *Caracteristicas y proceso de realizacion de
un diccionario bilingue didactico informatizado, destinado a
usuarios italianos*
9.45 - 10.30
Massimo Moneglia, *The spoken romance corpus: comparability
in a multilingual general resource of spontaneous speech*
10.30 - 11.00
Coffee Break
11.00 - 11.45
Jaime Olmedo, *Scriptorium*
11.45 - 12.45
Aurora M. de Santaolalla, Cursos de espanol a distancia
(Proyecto Enlace).
Ana Castineiras, *De Galicia a America, ejemplo de uso de
multimedia para la ensenanza de EL2*
12.45 - 13.15
Lu Lunch/Comida
15.30 - 16.15
Elisabeth Burr, *A web-based course on language policy: La
16.15 - 17.15
Panel / Mesa redonda: *Policy for IT and Humanities / Politica
para informatica y humanidades*
Speakers: Juan Luis Cordero (PNTIC- MECD), Antonio Moreno
Sandoval, Allen Renear, Antonio Zampolli
17.15 - 18.00

Venue and Accomodation
Venue: University of Alicante, Assembly hall of the building
German Bernacer.
Accomodation: Visit this page for information. There are special
prices for delegates. Download and print the Accommodation Form
in Word(r) format.

Fees & Registration
10,000 Ptas. (60.1 Euros) per person. Free for students and
academics of the University of Alicante. This includes two
meals (16 and 17 October).
Check this site regularly for updated information on the seminar
programme, venue and timetable.

For accommodation details and other information please contact:

Cecile Montgobert (cecile@sri.ua.es)
Phone #: +34 965903811
Fax #: +34 965903794

Please complete the following form for on-line registration,
or email the information to


I should like to attend the above seminar on October 2000 at
the University of Alicante.



City: Country: Zip Code:
Tel.: Fax.: E-mail:

Registration fees:
Free (students and academics of the University of Alicante)
10,000 Ptas. (other)


© Bollettino '900-versione e-mail Electronic Newsletter of '900 Italian Literature Notizie / A, ottobre 2000. Anno VI, 5. Direttore: Federico Pellizzi; Redazione: Michela Aveta, Eleonora Conti, Marica Fantuzzi, Marco Giovanardi, Hilenja Lari, Stefania Filippi, Anna Frabetti, Ada Reggio, Cecilia Serradimigni. Dipartimento di Italianistica dell'Universita' di Bologna, Via Zamboni 32, 40126 Bologna, Italy, Fax +39 051 2098555; tel. +39 051 2098595/334294. Reg. Trib. di Bologna n. 6436 del 19 aprile 1995. ISSN 1124-1578 http://www.unibo.it/boll900/
URL: http://www.unibo.it/boll900/


Bollettino '900 - Electronic Newsletter of '900 Italian Literature - © 1997-1999